Monday, July 4, 2011

Opinions Vs. Personal Attacks

In the spare moments I get, I like to read up on music blogs. I know the bands that I like, but I still want to know what's happening in the music world. I never used to care that much, but then I friends would talk about all these songs they'd heard on the radio, and I never used to know what the hell they were talking about. Since I'd rather listen to CDs than the radio, I like to read up on blogs to know what's happening, and which artists are making waves in the music industry.

A vast majority of articles I read are uninteresting to me, but something I find quite interesting is the amount of banter that goes on between the "fans" and the "haters." It seems that through all these arguments, there's a fine line between opinions and personal attacks. Some people will give their negative (but respectful) opinion of an artist, while other just rip artists to shreds. Lately I find that justifiable opinions are hard to come by these days, because people go to the extremes. Why is that? Is the world getting angrier? It seems to me that people get a cheap thrill by brutally bad-mouthing bands and artists. Do they like to cause a stir? Do they seek to find a reaction from fans? I'm not sure.

Personally, I think it needs to go back to that old saying, "If you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

- JD

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