Saturday, July 23, 2011

# 29 Bleed It Out

It has literally been raining non-stop for the past four days. It's the wettest July in fifty years, and the weather is depressing. On top of that, I'm stressed out of my mind as I finish my diploma course after two years of study, and organize my portfolios to meet a dead line at work. How did I manage to paint today? I'll never know.

"Bleed It Out"

At first glance, it can look like Shadowy Guy is not present in this painting, but he is. In fact, it's actually a pretty crappy photograph so I suggest you click on the image to see a higher res photo. Also, I had a lot of ideas for this painting but I kept changing my mind. I wasn't sure what I was doing until I actually started to paint it.

- JD

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