Friday, June 10, 2011

Foo Fighters - Wasting Light

So the Foo Fighters brought out a new album a few months ago. I've always really liked the Foo Fighters, but I can honestly say I've never brought one of their albums.

These days I buy most of my music on iTunes, I only purchased and download the songs that I like from the albums, rather than buying a whole one. This has always been the case with the Foo Fighters. I download the tracks I like, and not the album as a whole. In fact, I hardly buy physical albums anymore. The only exception is if it's a band or an artist I really genuinely like and support, or if they offer me something as a bonus. Hey, it's only human to want free stuff.

Now back to what I was saying about the Foo Fighters - I wasn't offered a free t-shirt or a free keychain if I purchased the new album, because what they offered was far more interesting. The entire album was recorded on analog tape in Dave's garage, and the CD contained a piece of the original master tape. This was indeed a brilliant marketing campaign, and it definitely caught my interest. And yep, I brought the album.

That's the piece of original tape. Yes, it is just a piece of tape - but nevertheless, it's cool. And the Foo Fighter's album is great. I'm really enjoying "Rope", "I Should Have Known" and "Arlandria".

- JD

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