Saturday, April 30, 2011

# 17 Hit The Floor

Today has been a comedy of errors. First of all, I woke up feeling shithouse. Here in Australia we're heading into winter, and I'm convinced I've got the flu or something in the like. Nevertheless, I knew I had a painting to start and finish, but this morning I discovered I was out of canvas's.

Feeling like death warmed up in a microwave, I ventured out to my local art shop. And when I got there? Fresh out of 8x10 sized canvas's. I thought about buying a slightly bigger or smaller canvas (which they had in stock) but being a little OCD, I knew I wouldn't settle for anything else than a 8x10. I was just about to leave the store when I figured I'd poke around a bit. Luckily for me, I found what I was looking for. Hidden behind the 10x12 canvas's was a few 8x10. I brought them all and headed for home.

On arrival, the flu hit me like a ton of bricks. I literally dumped all my art supplies on my desk and went back to bed. Two hours later, feeling a tad better, I got to work. To be totally honest, I wasn't in the mood for painting and I wished I hadn't left it to the last minute. I got a bit lazy, and doused the canvas in paint. Way. Too. Much. Paint.

So, I tried to scrap some paint off, but with limited success. I was considering to dump the canvas and start up again, but instead I walked away from it for a while and let it dry. On return, the excess paint gave it an interesting texture. So what was the end result? This:

"Hit The Floor"

A few hours after I'd finished painting, I took this photo. Yes, the paint was still wet. There's so much paint on this one canvas, I think it might take a week for it to dry. The concept behind this is pretty simple, and yes I did paint it horizontally but it's meant to be viewed vertically. And why is that? 1, I figured it'd be something different and 2, I'm OCD and my previous paintings have all be vertical.

Feel free to tilt your head to the right.

- JD

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