Saturday, March 12, 2011

#10 Forgotten

Some days, it's hard to find the motivation to paint. With so much going on in my life, even an hour of my time doesn't come by too often. I'm working, I'm studying, got a new relationship in the works, recovering from an injury, writing books, playing in a band - and then I stop and remember there are thousands of others in my situation, and I'm not the only busy person in the world. Although giving up this project has crossed my mind a few times, the determination to finish what I started is there. What will I achieve by the end of it? Not really sure, but I enjoy painting and hopefully I'll continue to improve over the course of the year.


Today, I wanted to do something a bit different. I've been using the same techniques, so I decided to paint a little differently. I'm still not sure whether I like it, but now I feel enlightened to research other painting techniques. Also, when I took this photograph, the paint was still drying and I liked that effect. On a final note, this painting makes perfect sense to me, but I've decided not to explain why I made it this way. It's up to you to decipher the meaning and purpose.

Next up, "Cure For The Itch" - it's going to be an interesting one.

- JD

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