Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year Resolutions

Usually I don't make New Year Resolutions, because 9/10 times I never keep them. However, I had a change of heart and decided to make a resolution, and that resolution was to make a blog. So why make a blog? As an aspiring writer, keen to get my book published, I decided to give it a go - you know, guilt-free self promotion. ; )

The book I'm trying to get published is a crime fiction novel entitled "The Underground". I've sent it to a few publishers and agents, and have I had any luck? Well, no. Basically, cracking into writing industry is - in lack of better words - bloody hard work! But the key is perseverance. I've had two knock-backs now, so I've reviewed my work, made some changes, and I'll keep sending it in until I get accepted. I know I have a good story, and it's just a matter of finding the right agent that shares the same belief.

Maybe one day I'll consider self-publishing, but for now I'll work on winning over an agency. Wish me luck!

- JD

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