Friday, January 14, 2011

# 2 "One Step Closer"

So I woke up this morning, and I had plans to travel up the coast and spend my weekend up there - then I remembered my painting project. I only have two days left to finish the next painting, and it wouldn't have been possible to do it whist up the coast as I have no Internet connection. I decided I really didn't want my project to fail just two weeks in, so I pulled out the brushes and paints first thing this morning. Luckily I sketched my "One Step Closer" idea in my notebook a few days ago, so I quickly got to work, and finished my painting in just an hour and a half. On reflection, I wish I had taken a bit more time to do it, but it's not a bad effort. Besides, I've still got fifty more paintings left so I've got loads of time to improve.

"One Step Closer"                                                           

One Step Closer was the song that introduced me to Linkin Park, over ten years ago. My first memory of the band is watching them jump around in the flying ninja video clip that accompanied the song. I liked the track back then, as I do now. At the time it was different and it was dangerous. Oh, and I don't care what anyone says "Shut up when I'm talking to you" - genius.

- JD

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